Hi oooojjjjjjjjjj,
The answer you gave on Yahoo! Answers was reported by the Answers community:
"America's "jewish" overlords are behind SOPA and all freedom-threatening movements in OnceAmerica. Including the Detainee Security Act. They want the same kind of dictatorial control over the internet that they exercise over ALL OTHER AMERICAN MEDIA. The truth about their evil - most people didn't know the Criminal Reserve was a private "jewish" bank until the advent of the internet - has been coming out in a big way, and THEY WANT IT STOPPED! NOW! So far they've tried the Internet Kill Switch but they had to scrap that idea, after seeing how the Egyptians blew up when Mubarak tried it. Then there was internet licensing, proposed by their dancing monkey, Obalmy. Now it's on to something far more draconian. The "jews" are trying to make it look like they're protecting their copyrights, and because they own almost all of America's media, the legal system, our economy, our politicians and elections, our military, our institutions, and are board members of HUNDREDS of multinational corporations, THEY OWN THE BULK OF COPYRIGHTS AND PATENTS IN THIS WORLD. If SOPA passes, it'll get to the point where you'll swear you're living in the Soviet Union (only, instead of being called the USSR, we'll be called the USSA). If you produce a video or make a statement that simply includes the "jewish" company's or organization's name, you'll be in violation of copyright/patent law. You're website will be shut down, you could face jail time, and "jews" will be able to pillage the goyim (it means human cattle) even more by fining us. And, don't be fooled, pillaging us is their life's mission. Read THE TALMUD (http://talmudunmasked.com) and THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION (http://100777.com/protocols). For instance, if I produced a video warning that Romney, Gingrich, and Santorum ALL belong to the quasi-communist org, Council On Foreign Relations, the CFR could file charges against me. This may seem extreme but it's the ultimate purpose of this legislation: TO STOP THE TRUTH ABOUT THE "JEWS" - WHOM JESUS/GOD CALLS THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - FROM COMING OUT. Now, to keep themselves busy, the "jews" will have to return to the battle of having THE NEW TESTAMENT outlawed as hate speech because it "blames" the "jews" for instigating Christ's crucificion. You think I'm kidding, don't you? Call Abe Foxman at the ADL. And where the Detainee Security Act is concerned, the "jews" want ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS FOR 9/11 TRUTH imprisoned at Gulag Gitmo as terrorists because they're proving the "jews" were behind 9/11. They know if all these groups aren't intimidated with threats of disappearing, they'll continue, and the trail of evidence will lead right up to the "jews" doorstep. God bless."
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